Why Exhibit

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Why Exhibit

Interested in exhibiting at A Bride’s Expo?
The wedding industry – considered a true “recession-proof” industry – generating billion dollars annually worldwide. In the past, the typical engaged woman was 21, lived at home, and had her wedding mostly planned by her mother. But now, the bride-to-be is mostly older and has more money to spend, making this an attractive demographic for advertisers. Couples are spending more than ever to ensure their special day is a timeless and unforgettable experience for friends, family and themselves. Destination weddings,” are popular with millennial’s, and more couples are hosting their wedding far from their home city.

Every year 2,000,000 Americans say “I Do “: 97% of those couples will take a honeymoon, and 25% of them will have a destination wedding. Cumulatively they will spend $ Ten Billion $ on honeymoons, and generate over $ Three Billion $ on Destination Weddings and this is expected to continue to climb. With nearly 2.5 million weddings every year in the United States, the industry continues to flourish and grow.When it comes to room nights, honeymooners will fill 16,000,000 rooms, with destination wedding parties filling 28,000,000 more.

If you’re looking to capture your fair share of destination wedding market, you will want to exhibit at A Bride’s Expo. Our extensive experience in producing expos and extensive advertising campaign enables us to deliver brides directly to your booth at each of our events.

Booth Spaces include:

2022 Rates
To be an exhibitor, please contact us at:
EMAIL: info@abridesexpo.com
PHONE: 954-740-8689